Well, Gina did this first, then Julia, and I realized that our eating habits are faaaarrrr from even close to similar! So, I thought I'd do it myself and see what my answers came up! Here goes:
How do you like your eggs? scrambled, with cheese
How do you take your coffee/tea? coffee-more creamer than coffee, and three packets of Equal; tea-sweet, none of that fruity-flavored crap
Favorite breakfast foods: cinnamon and raisin bagel w/fat free strawberry cream cheese
Peanut butter: CRUNCHY!
What kind of dressing on your salad? ranch, either from Trey's work, or Hidden Valley, Kraft is ICKY!
Coke or Pepsi? I think I prefer Coke, but I dunno, we usually drink Sam's Choice...diet ONLY
You’re feeling lazy. What do you make? nothing, I'd rather just starve than get up
What kind of pizza do you order? Hawaiian for the kids and me, and pepperoni for Trey
You feel like cooking. What do you make? I get those little casserole in a box things, does that count?
Do any foods bring back good memories? Grandma's macaroni and cheese...nobody can make it like her...it reminds me of every Thanksgiving and Christmas
Do any foods bring back bad memories? pork chops remind me of when Daddy used to drown them in Nature's Seasoning and cook them till they were tougher than shoe leather...I was afraid to eat them for a LONG time once I was on my own!
Do any foods remind you of someone??? Cabbage and Sausage reminds me of Mommy, she used to make it really well...of course, I never see it anywhere else, but I think of it and her sometimes!
Is there a food you refuse to eat? liver
What was your favorite food as a child? Grandma's macaroni and cheese
Is there a food that you hated as a child but now love? spinach...but I still don't like it cooked, just raw
Is there a food that you loved as a child but now hate? cheese slices
Favorite fruit & vegetable: strawberries and green beans
Favorite junk food: anything w/chocolate in it!
Favorite between meal snack: I don't snack much b/c it takes effort to find some food
Do you have any weird food habits? Just that food stresses me out beyond belief...I'd rather not eat than have to think of something to eat...then have to make it!
You’re on a diet. What food(s) do you fill up on? veggies and popcorn
You’re off your diet. Now what would you like? chocolate
How spicy do you order Indian/Thai? I've never had Indian, and I had Thai once...it was just plain yucky
Can I get you a drink? sure, water or diet coke
Red wine or white? I don't like wine, but I'll drink some spumante or something bubbly
We only have beer: GUINNESS!!!
Favorite dessert? tiramisu
The perfect nightcap? Not that I drink them, but I'll take a margarita anytime!