Sunday, July 16, 2006
I think it's going too far...
Okay, I am in a mental breakdown phase today. It all started when I gave Taryn her sippy cup with milk in it this morning. I saw her walk away with it, and not two minutes later, after only being in the room next to me, it was gone. By gone, I don't mean not with her, I mean GONE! I have searched the house from top to bottom at least ten times, EVERYWHERE. There is NOTHING. I looked, and looked, and looked, and it was nowhere to be found. I prolonged putting her down for her nap b/c I wanted her to have her milk first, but I finally gave up and just had to skip the milk (that was the very last of it I had). I know she didn't go upstairs, as she can't get herself down, but I even checked the playroom about fifteen times, then even went up there and cleaned it up this afternoon in the hopes of finding something! I have searched every nook and cranny in this house I can find, and the cup is gone into oblivion. All I want to do now is clean the whole house in the hopes of finding it...but really, let's not get too crazy here! I did, however, come dangerously close to tears when searching earlier. TJ would not stop talking to me about nothing, and it got to the point where I just wanted to scream "SHUT THE F*%# UP!!!" at him. Really, I know it's a little much, but dammit, where the hell is the cup!?

Yeah, I haven't found it yet, and I'm still pissed off about it. Stupid cup.

I hope your day is going better than mine so far. Talk to you later.
posted by Christi at 5:42 PM | Permalink |


  • At 10:09 PM, Blogger Anvilcloud

    Ah the joys of a blog. Vent at will my dear.

  • At 10:38 AM, Blogger holy chaos

    It is amazing where sippy cups hide. jillian is right. I finally figured it out with my fifth! or does she have any pocket books or book bags? anything she can put stuff in?

    take it easy.


  • At 10:38 AM, Blogger holy chaos

    It is amazing where sippy cups hide. jillian is right. I finally figured it out with my fifth! or does she have any pocket books or book bags? anything she can put stuff in?

    take it easy.


  • At 10:40 AM, Blogger Unknown

    Alright, ya'll. I went over there yesterday. There truly aren't that many places it could be hiding that Taryn can reach. I'm thinking a ghost took it. It's the only logical explanation.

  • At 6:27 PM, Blogger gina

    ever find it? it is going to be RIPE when you do. ugg. milk.