Thursday, January 20, 2005
This isn't it...
I wrote another post today, that I'd really like you to read if you have the time, but I just wanted to add this.

I am TOTALLY amazed at TJ. He just turned two, and already he knows not only how to count to ten, but what the numbers up to four mean. In other words, he will come up to me and tell me that he has two of something, or however many it is. Yesterday, he had two Raisinettes, and he came to me and said, "I have twwwoooooo of 'em." I said, "You're right! You do!" (He has done this many times with different items, but I never fail to be amazed by it!) What really got me, though, was that he then ate one of them, and then said, "I got one now." I almost fell on the floor! I may be overly amazed at something small and normal for a child his age, but to me, that just seems way more advanced than he should be already. I expect him to know how to count to ten, and even recognize some of the numbers (although he still doesn't recognize all the numbers up to ten just by looking at them). I don't expect him to know what they mean yet. I'm pretty sure you don't really learn that until kindergarten or so. Those of you with children, can you tell me what you think of this? If he's behind, please don't tell me he's stupid. I just want to know if this is normal, when your kids started getting it, or whatever. Of course he's my child, and I will never cease to be amazed by him, but of late, this has been the most surprising and shocking thing to me.

Okay, like I said, tell me what you think, please, but also please read the next, as I have questions there, too. I value your advice and opinions. Okay, have a marvelous day, and I'll see you later!
posted by Christi at 7:59 PM | Permalink |