Saturday, January 22, 2005
I win!
Well, Gina, I'm sorry, but as I thought, Trey has come around. He is already referring to Taryn in conversation, and telling me what she will and won't do someday. That's even a little freaky to me, since I'm just now getting used to calling the "baby" a girl, and using "her" instead of "it". I think he's starting to like it. I'm sure he'll read this, and deny it vehemently, but that's okay. That just makes me know he likes it that much more! I think he totally fell for it when I pointed out that I would be the only non-T in the house. He thought TJ was the dumbest name I could think of when I mentioned it, b/c I had a friend at work named TJ at the time, and he thought it was after him. When I told him it meant Trey Jr., he automatically thought it was the coolest name ever. You know, gotta make it special to him. Taryn is special to him, too. Mike pointed out that if you take the first letter of Taryn, and the first two of Reese, you can spell Tre', which is like the French version of Trey! Yeah, that's it!

So anyway, nothing big happened today. However, we made lasagna together for the first time. It was fun! I really thought, even as I was doing it, that I was going to have a problem with it. I have never made it before, and Trey has only made it at work. So when we actually started, he kept telling me what to do next (I do NOT like being told what to do, always been a problem of mine), like he was teaching me, and I kept thinking I should be having a problem with that. He was being nice and all, and I did need the help, as I didn't know what I was doing. I just kept thinking that, going by my personality, I should have gotten frustrated at his instructions and made a snide remark and started something. I didn't. It was great! Plus, the lasagna tasted DELICIOUS! It was even better than Stouffer's, which is Trey's ultra-favorite kind of lasagna. I was very pleased. I really want to know what we did that kept me from getting an attitude and do it more often. I liked getting along and working together for a change. I could get used to getting along with Trey! (not that we fight all the time or anything...I just get really touchy about certain things b/c I'm really wierd!)

Funny stuff, then I'll let you go...Tonight, for some reason, TJ was even more against going to bed than usual, even though he was dead tired. He pulled out all of the stops. He came and told me to change his diaper about four times, despite the fact that I told him no everytime (I did check it, though). He made himself fall down in front of Trey so he could cry and get some attention (and out of the room). He came and narrated what was going on with the commercial situation b/t his cartoons (he must have them on to sleep, even though he doesn't watch them at all!). He, as usual, asked for milk and food. What really got me, though, was when he came and told me to cut his fingernails. That was when I knew he REALLY didn't want to go to bed. Earlier, I fought with him to sit still to cut his nails, and I did not succeed. He was dead set against it. Usually I have to bribe him with candy, or catch him when he's asleep to do it. So when he came and told, not asked, me to do it, I knew he wasn't going to sleep. Anyway, I thought that was pretty funny. It was actually a big pain in the butt, but still amusing! That boy is SNEAKY!

Okay, I hope you guys have a stupendous day, and I'll talk to you tomorrow!
posted by Christi at 12:09 AM | Permalink |


  • At 10:06 AM, Blogger Mark

    Which one of you do you think he's taking after Christi? Something tells me it's you based on your comments about baby names!

    Trey should have a blog too. He can call it "Dr. Trey's Perscription" (you Eminem and Dr. Dre...except..instead...he could be "Dr. Trey")

  • At 11:23 AM, Blogger Christi

    I told Trey he should start one, too. He reads all of yours, and he talks to me about them. He said he doesn't like to do all that typing, though. I told him I would type it for him, and he could just tell me what to write. That would be funny...I'm sure I would change everything he said! I did find one last night where this guy just found cool stuff on the internet, and would paste a pic with a link on his blog. He got lots of comments, and the stuff was very funny. I should convince Trey to do that...he likes to look all over the internet.

  • At 1:29 PM, Blogger karla

    My mom makes me the best veggie lasagna in the world (ok how bad does that sound…my mom still cooks up meals for me to take home and keep in the freezer!)
    When my parents were up last before Christmas they came and planted my gardens with a bunch of awsome perenials (though I don’t remember what they were), make a new border for them out of this interlocking brick stuff, and she made me two pans of veggie lasagna, mark got a pan of meat lasagna, and we made 30 bowls worth of yummy vegetable soup for me. I’m so spoiled!

    Mark and I don’t cook very often together. Were in a terrible habit of each sort of doing our own thing for dinner (but we usual eat together). Getting home at around 7:00 pm leaves us with little energy to cook up big meals.

    What is your actual due date? I know I am about 6 weeks ahead of you, so I guess that makes your baby a June baby right?

  • At 4:45 PM, Blogger Christi

    Yep, June 10th. If I get my way, though, I'll be induced early. I don't have the patience to wait, and I don't do well at all with surprises. I also think that if I let it run its course, she will come out late rather than on time or early. I couldn't handle that.

    Trey and I don't cook together much, either. I usually push and nag him to do it with me on his days off. I was totally surprised yesterday, b/c it was his idea to cook together, and he even thought up what to cook! (usually, on his days off, I'll walk in from work, and he'll be like, "So, what do you want to do for dinner?" Yeah, like I've thought about it at all! Our schedules are way off, so it's rare that we get a chance to do much of anything together!

  • At 5:22 PM, Blogger Unknown

    I would love to see a blog by Trey. Richard has one, but he doesn't write in it much. He sounds like Trey. He says he doesn't have anything to say. Trey, if you read this, I would read your blog if you had one. I'd like to hear the other side of the story, hehe.

    Remind yourself next time how great the lasagna experience was so you can let him teach you something. I'm the same way. Letting someone tell me how to do something doesn't come naturally. It's especially bad when they are wrong, lol.

    How cute about TJ. One time Alison took a nap in the car that day, so when she couldn't fall asleep I said she could get up for a little while since she had a nap in the car. This was at least 2 months ago. Now almost every night she asks if she can get up because she slept in the car. Sleeping in the car 2 months ago doesn't mean you can get up tonight!