Tuesday, January 25, 2005
I don't know what to say...
For those of you that know me, I'll give you a second to get up off of the floor and get yourself back together. Yes, that's right....There's NEVER a time that I don't have ANYTHING to say! Silence of any sort makes me nervous, so I must find a way to fill all space, and that's usually with a running mouth. I bet it would surprise some of you to know this, but when I drive, I can't stand to talk. Well, that is, when it's long distances. I prefer to use that time for thinking...probably about stuff to talk about later!

So I really don't have any issues for today, nor do I have any cute stories. I did read a few blogs today that said stuff that kinda got my goat and got me thinking. It's interesting to see how others feel about certain issues, and if it's anything like you do. I don't mind when people disagree with me, as I think I deserve the same respect, but still, when you see something that you don't completely like, you get a little irritated. Know what I mean?

I took my ultrasound pics to school today to show off, finally. Everyone thought it was really cool to see the ones done with the new kind of ultrasound, where you can actually see the baby's skin and what most stuff is. This one guy got a little sentimental, and it was a little freaky to me. I now can't wait even more for Trey to have a little girl! I just know he's going to be all gooshy! I even asked his mom if she thought he would be today, and she said for sure! If Gayle says it, then it's gonna happen! She would never say something about Trey that she didn't approve of, truth or not. Somehow that logic works, don't ask me how...

I am excited! I am going to Charleston on Thursday, and I'm staying until Saturday. It's no big deal, and it will probably suck. It's a Special Ed. conference, so I will learn lots of stuff. I don't think I'll know anyone there, though. Oh well. I get to stay in my very own hotel room, that work is going to pay for. Plus, that is my home town, so I am going to hang out with a couple of friends while I'm there. Mostly, I'm just excited to get away for a couple of days, and just do what I want by myself for a change. Plus, I get to miss two days of work, paid. That works! Needless to say, I may miss a couple of days on here...I will probably die b/c of that. Or, I'll probably just go to my mom's house and do it all there!

Oh, one last thing...No, two. First, please read my sister's latest post, a late resolution, and comment. She also needs your prayers to help her quit smoking. While you're praying for her to stop, I need your prayers, too. We are having an open house this weekend on our house, and I need anything you've got to help! We are beyond desperation to sell this house, now, so if you could please put all your brainpower into praying, wishing, whatever for it to be sold, even just for a second, I would so greatly appreciate it. Wish us luck, we need it!

Okay, that should do it for someone who doesn't have anything to talk about. I hope you have a magnificent day, and I'll talk to you soon!
posted by Christi at 11:46 PM | Permalink |


  • At 3:38 PM, Blogger K. Inez

    It just occured to me who it is you remind me of:


  • At 6:59 PM, Blogger Unknown

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  • At 7:02 PM, Blogger Unknown

    I think about your house situation and pray for you a lot. It's all in God's timing, but I can imagine how stressful this must be for you.

    I would love to have a weekend and a hotel room to myself. Let me know if you want to have a sleepover Friday. :)