Saturday, November 06, 2004
It has come and gone again...
I spend all week looking forward to Friday, so it can be over. Now it is. Thankfully. It was, as usual, a very long week. It actually was a pretty good one, but still quite long. My guess is that next week will also be very long to me. And so it goes, this thing called life. Do you think there is ever a point where the weeks don't seem long? Oh, wait, we call those weeks "vacation"!

Did I mention that our house is on the cover of the Real Estate Book this month? I feel really good about this. My work cronies and I decided that your house must be pretty special to get to be on the cover. Lee pointed out that they don't put crap on the cover! Yes, my house is indeed not crap, and now I will just wait for someone else to figure that out! Please, if you get a chance, help out and pray that it sells this month. I can't think of a better Christmas present, and I will definitely keep you all in all of my prayers as well.

I went out after school again and hung out with some worky friends. It was fun. We did find ourselves talking about school for a bit, but it wasn't too bad. You know, when you're in with sympathizers, there's no stress b/c you all agree. I drank WAY too much Coke, though, and when I left I was high on caffeine! I have managed to get myself used to having one Coke per day, and I had that for lunch. I was a little scary and shaky for a couple of stuff!

We went to Traci's for dinner tonight when we went to get TJ. That was fun. I have never been one for family time, as I was not raised in a family kind of family, if you know what I mean. No one in either of my families, mom's or dad's, was ever too comfortable with each other. I like hanging out with Trey's family. It's fun. It's a feeling I really can't say I've ever had before in my life. Family time was spent on holidays because we had to, and most of it was spent wondering when in the world you could finally leave. I really don't want to leave when we hang out over there, sometimes. I mean, there is the drama and all the crap that I could do without, that, of course, I've wrapped myself right up in. Naturally, I know better than to partake of it, but I do it anyway. I'm guessing that's just human nature, especially since I was raised in constant drama, and don't know anything different. I do try to work on caring less about that. Nevertheless, the overall atmosphere when I'm over there is fun and comfortable, and it's much better than being home alone. I think that's why I had so much fun on our trip to Myrtle Beach. I didn't think I'd be able to handle Trey's whole family for a week. However, we had our space, but we also had the opportunity to do different things and with different people if we wanted. Had it just been Trey, TJ and I, we would have been forced to be with each other or totally alone, and that would have sucked. I like being able to spend time with different people all at once. Maybe that's why I wanted another kid so bad...variety. Who knows!

Well, I guess that's it for now. I hope you have a wonderful Saturday, and I will talk to you soon!
posted by Christi at 12:41 AM | Permalink |


  • At 3:27 PM, Blogger Unknown

    That's how it is with Richard's family too. It's actually nice spending time with all them too. Since I've grown up I appreciate my family more. I had a lot of anger about certain things, but I chose to forgive and things really are a lot better now. There is a lot of love in Richard's family though.

  • At 3:28 PM, Blogger Unknown

    How's the pregancy going? Are you still sick?