Monday, January 08, 2007
Time to breathe....
Yesterday TJ turned four. Can you believe it? I have a FOUR YEAR OLD!!! Yeah, it's a little scary...

So we had his birthday party...That's right, ON TIME this year! It was really low-key, in following Andrew's birthday party last month that was tons of fun, and kept Julia and Richard completely sane. It was small in comparison to the one he had last year, which was pirate themed and drew a large crowd. However, I think it was even better, b/c it wasn't as hectic, I got to enjoy myself instead of making sure everything was going smoothly, and TJ had just as much fun playing with his friends as he did last year. I won't deny, though, that I kinda missed the whole planning and creativity of a themed party, so I'm sure I'll have to have at least one a year at least until they get old enough to beg me not to! TJ got a TMX Elmo, some shooty thing, a phonics game, a tv and dvd player for his room, and in February he's going to the circus w/Nana (which he has talked about non-stop since he went with her last year, and is VERY excited about). As easy-going as it was, though, by the end of the day we were still all POOPED!

(PS-I swear I dressed Taryn! She's taken to taking off all her clothes, then her diaper, then running around the house butt-naked telling everyone "Pee pee" and pointing to her girl parts! NOT fun!)

Ashley gave us some of Leah's old clothes today. There was a cute t-shirt w/a 'kitty cat' on it, and some cool jeans. I put them on Taryn. Taryn added the shoes herself.

Later, Cole figured out that if I'm taking pictures of him, he's getting lots of attention. He likes taking pics! Taryn decided to love on him for a while. Notice his face, I'm pretty sure that expression is one of, "HELP! Can somebody please help me get out of here?" She is a pretty rambunctious lover!

posted by Christi at 11:45 PM | Permalink |


  • At 8:11 AM, Blogger karla

    Are you fibbing? FOUR? Already? Do they really grow up that fast. I mean I know everyone says that, but I didn't believe them. FOUR! Holy!
    Happy Birthday TJ!

  • At 4:05 PM, Blogger gina

    cute pics!! cole is getting so big too - gosh-- time - it is a flyin by.

  • At 4:47 PM, Blogger Unknown

    Awww! The pictures turned out great. You threw a great, laid back party. They're my favorite kind.

  • At 6:14 PM, Blogger Tammy

    Wow, they grow up to fast.
    Just looking at your pictures and I don't see the kids in Coats, hats and mitties. What is your winter like? Do you get any snow?

  • At 7:11 PM, Blogger holy chaos

    love the smiling cole pic! we still haven't gotten one of k smiling.

  • At 1:51 PM, Blogger Carrie

    oh my goodness... how ADORABLE is that last picture???? I could totally eat him up!!!

    glad you had a great time with TJ's party!!!

  • At 10:46 PM, Blogger Unknown

    Tammy, we haven't had snow in five years, and even then it was just a light sprinkling. We are having a warmer winter than usual, as evidenced by Taryn's outdoor attire.

  • At 1:43 PM, Blogger Flawed And Disorderly

    Precious baby and cute pics! But why is my mother-in-law sitting in your recliner? Looks like it could be her twin sister! Spooky! But I know it's not really my mother-in-law. She never gets out of bed.