Friday, December 03, 2004
What a LONG week!
Thank God tomorrow's Friday! I didn't think this week would ever end, and I didn't even work Monday!

I would like to make a profound thought today...Let's see...

Have you ever thought about just how much your kind thoughts, words and gestures can mean to someone else? For instance, today we did a lesson where I had the students write down what gifts they had to offer to people like their teachers, social workers, families, stuff like that (it was someone else's lesson that I "borrowed"). Some of the students were stumped in some areas, especially the teacher and social worker ones, since they claim to hate us all so much. I pointed out that there is one kid that gives me a big smile every morning when he comes in to first period, and it sets my day in the right way. There is another kid in first period that talks to me and gives me hope that not only will he do alright in the world, but that there are still some kids out there with feelings and consciences...Now, of course, as soon as the other students come in (he's usually first), he has to go back to being cool, but those little conversations we have just really make my day. I think that is a gift he gives me. It doesn't cost him a thing, we both enjoy the conversations, it doesn't hurt or strain him any, and it really means something to me. I'll admit, there are some students that give me the gift of practice in perseverance, as they challenge me everyday to try to find new ways to get through to them. However, for the most part, most of my kids give me gifts they could never imagine almost daily. Even one kid that I've almost grown to hate (you've heard about him before), did his work today, and it was so great to me. I bragged on him a lot, and pointed out how proud he should be that he accomplished something, no matter how small it was. It was nice for me to see him do something besides waste time, and it was definitely a gift to not have to put up with him misbehaving! So, to end my profound thought, possibly premature but I have to go to bed now, do you have any gifts that you never think of that make a difference in people's lives? Do you do something nice or thoughtful that you don't even think twice about that more than likely really make someone else's day? I know I do. I am the goofiest person I know, and some people don't like that. However, there are a few that find it quite easy to laugh, eh hem, "with me". I like that, even if they are laughing at me, b/c I know that as long as they are laughing, no matter what the reason, that is one moment that they are definitely not miserable! So, there, that is my gift...the gift of being NUTS!
posted by Christi at 12:03 AM | Permalink |


  • At 2:21 AM, Anonymous Anonymous

    Christi, you know? Like me it often times is very hard to find anything positive with my job. You became a teacher, for what reasons....I don't know. I became a nurse for probably a lot of the same reasons. You make a difference in those kids lives. Though you very rarely see the rewards. The question you should pose to yourself every night before sleeping is......Can I live with myself and how I behaved as a teacher today? I will tell you everytime I work, and since the very first day I worked as a nurse, I have asked myself that same question. If the answer was no, or I dont' know. You can believe I made a phone call to check on the person, or the following day at work I righted what I felt was a wrong. If I didn't have to work I went and visited. I never want it said that I am a bad or half assed nurse. You are a caring person, no matter how others view you, you know what your heart holds. I see past alot of your insecurities, I hope you see past mine. I agree rewards are where you find them, as are gifts. You are a pretty smart girl. I all so am glad you had the gift of knowledge and insite today. Build on it tomorrow and soon you will find the true reason you became a teacher. That warm feeling inside, knowing you changed a person, or touched them......that you will be remembered.

  • At 3:12 PM, Blogger Unknown

    Those are the best kinds of gifts.