Ever so slowly...
I may be coming back. However, I'm torn with the uncontrollable urge to get on my computer and blog all day long...and the uncontrollable urge not to. It's tough. Right now while Trey's here I should take advantage. After he leaves, it's all on me, and I doubt I'll have the time. Especially since TJ's decided that he will, in fact, be a little jealous of the new baby, and thus will demand much more of my attention than I'll probably have. So...
I will be here, though. I fear that for most of you, however, this blog is about to get really boring. Yep, you got it. My urges to do nothing but sit and hold my pretty much actionless baby 90% of the day, and then talk about the little faces she makes all the rest of time will probably take over what I write about, too. You will probably be bombarded with pictures of her...her sleeping, her with her eyes open, her laying....all very exciting, to be sure! I can't help it, though. You will probably be pleased to know that right now I can't get my stupid new camera to work with my computer, so I can't download the pictures yet. I have, like, ten in mind already that I want on here, though. So I guess you can take this as fair warning to RUN if you want to!
Oh, and I also want to say that I have gravely misled you, and myself. All along I had planned to call my baby Taryn. Her given name is Taryn Reese Pitchford. In my mind, surely my baby would come out looking like a Taryn. However, upon first sight of her, I was wrong. Trey agrees, as do some other people I've asked. So, we have decided to call her Reese. Not only is it a cool name, and one which I'm equally as cool with, but it also comes with cute nicknames like Reesy, Reesy Cup, Reesy Reese, etc...(yes, we're already using them!). Of course, I worked hard to make the cute little Taryn on the wall of her room, and that kinda sucks. I figure, though, it is still her name, and by the time she can read I may have replaced it! As well, I have told you all to call her Taryn up to this point, and I'm sorry. So, as you go through your days now, talking non-stop about my wonderful new baby :) , please remember to substitute the name Reese with Taryn. Otherwise, you'll just get blank stares from those of us who have kept abreast.
And so, I now introduce to you, Reese Pitchford!
So is her official name still Taryn Reese, but you're calling her by her middle name? That's cool. I like Reese too. Do post pics about baby stuff. I won't be bored. I know my blog is boring, but it's really for me, so I don't care!