What is more important to me is that people in my country have a place to live. I understand that we had to take a stand to protect our freedom. However, our money is also going toward helping rebuild their country. My country is in shambles, and it is more important to me to have places for our homeless to live than for them to have places for theirs.
I agree Susan that government should be a two way street. You owe government taxes and they owe you services. It's that simple. What you can get for those tax dollars depends on who you elect. The current US administration has focused on fighting the war on terror as they said they would do. Love it or hate it, at least GW Bush is keeping his word.
As far as international alienation, the Bush administration doesn't have a good track record on keeping in good with it's allies (see protests everywhere on the planet) however they do seem to be trying to fix that the 2nd time around. Bush visited us up here not so long ago. Mrs. Rice is on a fence mending tour throughout Europe. Who knows it if will work, only time will tell and only US Citizens can determine if they care.
As far as social programs go, you can hardly suggest that they are poor in concept or design.
The public school system is by far one the things that makes the free world free. It provides a poor kid to with equal access to knowledge allowing them to dream and invent something in his or her garage and build a company like Apple Computers. Hardly a waste of taxpayer dollars or accepting a hand-out.
Also, a social program is not designed to be a way of life but is designed to be a protective buffer. A case in point: after my wife became pregnant I decided to quit my good job for a better job. The risk being that I may lose my job while on probation.
I wasn't concerned though because a social program would protect me and my family. Now, I pay more in tax to my government because I earn more! I was also able to increase my disposable income so I am pumping more money into the global economy (this is good for both Canadian and American businesses).
Social programs help us collaboratively maintain our freedom by giving people the tools they need to succeed without fear. People who are afraid to fail cannot make the steps to persue change. A lack of change breeds a lack of innovation and without innovation you certainly can't stay on top.
People should not be ashamed for falling back on social programs as this is exactly the purpose for which they are intended!
Without them, God help us all!
FYI: Both the US and Canada are both Republics, not democracies, meaning we elect people to represent us. Once elected, we have no say over what happens (ie: you can't vote on issues day to day which is the essence of a democracy). Democracy is essencially "mob rule" and would not come with the checks and balances built into most functioning elected governments.
Learn more about that here.
Sorry for the long comment.
Yeah, Fox News just finally got clearance to re-broadcast in Canada under the name Fox News Canada (very original).
I'm sure he can't be as offensive at Pat Buchanan was with that Soviet Canuckistan comment. If I see the show I'll post about it.
On the other hand, I've often wondered what you guys would think of our media if you watched it; particularily coverage on US issues.
Next time I see something interesting that makes me wonder what you would think I'll link to it on my blog.
If you are using Windows XP browse to the folder where your pictures are currently saved (for example: "C:\My Pictures\") look on the side bar (down the left hand side of the screen) you will see an option that reads: Publish This Folder to the WebThen, select the pictures you want to publish, sign in with your Microsoft Passport account (your hotmail or MSN account) and voila...pictures posted to the web.
That's how Karla and I do it anyway.