Wednesday, February 16, 2005
I am NORMAL...Kinda...
Your friends want to know - Are You Normal? Take our quiz to find out:

As for you:

Your Normalcy Score is 64 out of 100.
This makes you 2 % less normal than the average person who completed our quiz.

You landed pretty much in the middle of the spectrum, which means either you're normal with occasional wacky spurts, or vice-versa. Either way, looks like we won't need that straight jacket after all. (Help us keep our quizzes free. Don't forget to forward this email to your friends.)
posted by Christi at 9:19 PM | Permalink |


  • At 9:34 PM, Blogger Unknown

    I didn't get a % answer, just a bunch of ads. If they asked the right questions they would see just how abnormal I am.

  • At 9:39 PM, Blogger Unknown

    Check out the baby name wizard.