Monday, February 21, 2005
Holy Cow!
I just want to tell you something real quick! Trey and I were arguing about the name I picked for the baby, Taryn Reese. He says it's a porn name, I say no way. He said, "Fine, Google search it and see what comes up." So I did. No porn that I could find. However, my blog did come up! How awesome! I came up in a Google search! Yes, I realize that it's no big deal, but to me that's UBER-COOL! Anyway, please read my actual post for today under this.
posted by Christi at 11:27 PM | Permalink |


  • At 10:33 AM, Blogger Cuppa

    Just thought I would stop by and say thanks for commenting on my blog the other day. Always nice to hear that people are reading what we write!

    It is really neat when our blogs come up on Google isn't it? I like to follow the path of how some searches end up at my door. The one that really made me laugh was the search someone did on "How to hem pants" Boy was she in for a surprise if she followed the advice in that blog. What fun.

    Drop by again for a cuppa tea and a chat.