Friday, October 01, 2004
Over the river and through the woods...
To Mimi's house we go! Yep, yep, we are off to Mimi's house tomorrow! We were going to leave late tonight, but well, it was just too late. So, we are going to get up early in the morning and head off. Figure we'll get more sleep that way, and that means the world to me!

So, I took today off. Yes, that's not good, but I still get paid. I'm sure I piss some people at work off that have to cover my classes at the last minute, but it was an important day for me. My mental problems have come to a head, and it is time they get fixed. So, I went out this morning, after my neighbor talked my ear off about her car being stolen--Yes! Her car was STOLEN here on the property!--, and got some appointments set up. I got an appt. for TJ at a new pediatrician, Trey and myself dentist appts., and I wanted to get an OB/GYN appt., but I couldn't find one in my travels. However, I had one more goal to get an appt. with a psychologist for some counseling, and I did one step better! I went to a little house that said it had counseling and behavioral medicine on its sign. I just saw it, as if it was waiting there for me to see it. I pulled a u-turn and went inside to see about getting some help. Turns out, a counselor was available right then to see me! Yippee! I got to spend an hour with her telling her all about my current anger issues and why my life is driving me to insanity. She didn't really tell me anything miraculous, as she wants to make me come back for that and pay her again, but just being able to tell her and knowing she was unbiased made me feel so much better. I can't wait to go back on my next appt., even though it costs a FORTUNE (they are rather lower priced than most, but still)! I sure hope it helps!

Then I got to spend some time with my Uncle Harold and Aunt Martha Sue, and they are pretty cool. I don't see them very often, which is bad b/c I live about five minutes from them now, but they are some of my Grandma's coolest relatives. Uncle Harold used to pay me to come to the family reunions so I could hang out with him! They went to Disney World with my grandparents and Jimmy (yeah, I have to call him that now) and me when we were little. It was lots of fun, and his grandson, Scott, and I would fight over who got to sit with him on the rides. He's crazy, and they call him Peanut. It was nice.

Then the highlight of my day...I got TJ! He is just so perfect, and I am forever reminded of that! I miss him so much when he's gone, and I'm SO happy to see him when we get him! He grows about ten years worth every week, though, I swear it! My mom says I shouldn't call him perfect, b/c then he will feel pressured to meet that standard. First off, I want to hold him to high expectations, and I want him to know it, so he will try to meet them. Secondly, I think that if I tell him he's perfect, then he will think that he is, and thus has met my high standards. If I told him he was anything less than perfect, he would feel he wasn't good enough and had to work harder to make me happy (assuming he cared!). What do you think about my calling my kid perfect?

One more question: For those of you that know me, have you ever known me to be a mean and angry person? If so, how so?
posted by Christi at 11:11 PM | Permalink |