Tuesday, October 12, 2004
Mmmm, grapefruit...
I love grapefruit. I have half of one for breakfast every morning, and when I don't, I get frustrated. I just had a whole one for a snack. I used to hate grapefruit. Now I love it. If you think you hate grapefruit, try it again. It's such great stuff!

Well, I told all my students today that for a few months I'm going to be grouchy, sick and gaining weight. They are excited for the most part. They bombarded me with all types of questions. I was asked by one student if I was trying, and if I was having more sex to get pregnant. I was told by one student that I should stop having so much sex, then I won't get pregnant! Well, there's no telling what they constitute as sex, but at least I know they've learned enough to know that sex causes babies! Maybe that will make a few of them hold off. Yeah, right! Oh, and we made pumpkin pancakes today at school. You should try it sometime. You just add pumpkin pie mix to pancake batter and cook as usual. It's so good, though, especially with the syrup!

Again, I make my desperate plea to help the little boy and girl I spoke of yesterday. If you have ANYTHING to offer, please let me know, or you can email Rie (just click on her name in yesterday's post) and let her know, as this is her deal, really. Goes to show how braindead I am...I'm trying to think of things to list that a 9 mo. old or 2 yr. old might need, and I'm blank. It's as if I don't have an almost 2 yr. old or a once 9 mo. old. Toys, perhaps? Diapers? I'm totally blank! It wasn't even a long day at work. I hope this isn't a sign of the months to come!

Oh, and does anyone know of an acceptable substitute for caffiene? I didn't drink my coffee today, and I was shaking and had a headache of massive proportions. I finally broke down at lunch and had a Diet Coke, and it helped SO much! I know I'm not supposed to have any at all, though, so I must find something to replace it and keep me even. Any ideas?

Also, if you want, feel free to look at our pics from the mountains this weekend. Nothing much, but kinda fun!
posted by Christi at 6:01 PM | Permalink |


  • At 7:15 PM, Anonymous Anonymous

    The esteemed Dr. Isadore Rosenfeld of New York University, Cornell Medical Center said on Fox News this past weekend that a pregnant woman can have a cup of coffee every day. I would trust what he says over just about any other doctor. He is widely recognized as one of this country's preeminent doctors.