At 8:43 AM, Anvilcloud
I agree with the BUSH thing. Try living in Canada and having him come on to talk about a COuntry you don't live in. NOW that is a PAIN IN MY ASS. THe last time he came on I was watching SURVIVOR. NO ONE MESSes with my SURVIVOR.
I can't believe you managed to get that much work done. You are doing better then takes so much for me to do a couple of things. Ethan is always crawling at my feet and then wants to be held.
I think maybe you should try to give TJ something he can do on his own and then you can sit with Reese. That's what I did with Mackenzie for about 20 or so. I would get her to do a puzzle or something or colour on her own while I spent some time with Ethan. Now TJ is younger then Mack so I don't know what you could get him to do on his own.
Try that and see how that works. OR even when TJ is napping.
The first couple months with 2 kids for me was rough. I never thought it would get better. It did and it will for you too! It'll just take some time.*hug*
As for TV and Bush, i was ALWAYS so nervous that he would come on during American Idol, of course i was also worried for some freak reason the electricity would go out too. Yes i am a FREAK!lol
BTW- I emailed you. Just write back when you get a chance, i know you have NOTHING to do with a newborn and a toddler!LMAO
dont ya love it how everyone tells you its okay? ooh that used to piss me esp when you feel like it wont be okay and no one understands. start asking for help. call your mom or gayle or some other whoever and tell i mean ask them to come get tj for the afternoon. when trey is off, tell him to get himself and tj out of the dang house. chuck e cheese. anywhere. you need a rest. part of the problem is tj is bored. it wont be okay= it will suck for a few months.... THEN and only THEN will it be okay.
It will get better, I promise. It will take a long time, but it will get better. Before Alison was born, I read this book called "The Continuum Concept" by Jean Liedloff that explained how children were raised in a Yequana tribe in South America where they pretty much all grew up very well adjusted. One of the things that I thought made a lot of sense was keeping the baby close to you, but not doing all those things to stimulate them that they say you should do. Here's an article that explains it way better than I could:
Just thought that might help alleviate some of your guilt about not paying enough attention to Reese. I will say that Alison spent most of her time just being held or nursed, but a lot of the time I was busy with other things while I was holding her or doing something with Andrew. When Andrew was a baby he got all sorts of attention and stimulation. Now that they are older, it is plain to me that Alison is the one with the happier disposition. That's not scientific, but I feel they are partly related.
Be prepared for some of the baby blues. When you feel awful, try to remember that your hormones are still wacky, and be kind to yourself. I don't have anything going on tomorrow, so if you want to call me for some adult conversation you can.