Sunday, December 05, 2004
Sooo, Monday's coming again...ick!
Well, today was pretty uneventful. As was to be expected. I didn't feel good when I woke up, so I knew I wouldn't be overachieving today. I still don't feel good, and I don't expect tomorrow to be much better.

So, here's a funny story. I just know that Trey will kick my ass for writing this. Today TJ poo-pooed in his diaper, and I went to change it. He was holding a coat hanger at the time, and he put it down, only to land in his uh, stuff. So I grabbed it and gave it to Trey to hold for a second. I assumed he had seen what had just happened. He takes it, and just as I'm going to say to only hold the handle (where there was no poop), he sets it down on his head. That was a priceless moment. I finished saying what I was telling him about the poop and all, and he gave me this look. You can just imagine it, the "I just put poop on my head, didn't I?" look. It was great! I laughed until I cried. Then, he came back and sat down after he cleaned his head off, and was leaning back in the office chair. There were mega-blocks all over the floor (see pics), and he somehow managed to make the chair fall over, and right on to the mega-blocks. I tell you what, Trey was great entertainment for me today! Gotta love him!

So we're moving Wednesday. I am absolutely not prepared at all. Not to mention, I have twenty things to do for school this week, that need to be done in the evenings. This should work well! It's time to make miracles happen!

Do check out TJ's castle pictures. He worked so hard to make it this morning before Trey was awake. I told him we would keep it till he woke up to show him. A few minutes later I walked across the apt. to look up something on the internet. The next thing I know, TJ is trying to carry it over to me, so we can show it to Daddy. Right as I was telling him not to drop it, it fell. He got the saddest look on his face (it fell apart), and began to cry and ran over to the couch and buried his face. It was so sad, yet cute. I went and told him that it was okay and that we could fix it up to be better. After he calmed down, we went back to work, and he was so proud of his new castle. Why he decided to destroy it immediately afterwards (and mere minutes before Daddy woke up) is beyond me. It was fun, though, seeing him work so hard and thinking so seriously about where all the little blocks had to go. Man, kids are fun!

Okay, I'll see you tomorrow. I hope your Monday is the best yet!
posted by Christi at 8:21 PM | Permalink |