Saturday, September 18, 2004
It seems to be a problem...
Okay, so Trey and I went to see an old friend Mike last night, whom we haven't seen in a long while. I like Mike, b/c we have a lot in common, and at the same time, we can debate on so many topics (and only get mildly irritated by each other!). He's like a little brother to me, who happens to be older!

So anyway, we were talking about all kinds of issues, and it turned into a therapy session or something where Trey and Mike told me what's wrong with me. The major difference? They only said what's wrong, but not how to fix it. So now I need some help. It appears that I have deep rooted anger issues, and I have a problem with holding on to anger and letting it negatively affect my life. A lot of the anger I feel is about stuff that actually has nothing to do with me, and that I have absolutely no control over. Case in point, I get really mad that I can't make everything at work run the way it's supposed to (office politics kind of stuff). I also get really mad that parents are so horrible and let their kids end up where I teach and in my special ed. class (not all, mind you, but most). Then there's my sister and brother-in-law. They are TERRIBLE parents who have pawned their beautiful baby on her grandparents to raise, and there is a whole story that goes with it, and now they are pregnant again. I am severely angered by this. Then there's the stupidity of people who are in charge of taking your money, and having to deal with them on a daily basis b/c of their ignorance. That also makes me mad....I could go on for days about this. Needless to say, I can not fix ANY of these problems....but they still make me angry beyond belief.

I don't get it. I used to be a very happy-go-lucky person that let things roll off my back...or so I thought. I don't know why I've changed. The point of all of my going on is this: I realize I have a problem releasing my anger and letting it go. I can accept this. However, I have no idea how to do it. Anybody out there have any clue as to how this could be done?
posted by Christi at 12:41 PM | Permalink |


  • At 9:52 PM, Blogger Christi

    That's only b/c the door scanners would go off if they brought their guns in.