That's right. Just one more day and it will finally be Friday. Of course, before that can be a cool thing I have to make it through Friday, eh? So yesterday I was looking through this thing, and I was reading other blogs. I read this one where a guy had put that he thought guns should be banned, and boy did he get a lot of comments from angry people. As I went to write my comment and tell him that I agree with him that guns should be banned, my viewpoint changed. I think guns are bad, terrible things that never should have been invented. I wish they would just all of a sudden disappear off of the face of the earth, along with some other unsavory items in the world. However, to ban them would be absolutely preposterous! (sp?) That would be in direct violation of our freedom and what our country was founded on. That would be like saying that coffee is bad for you because it makes you hyper, and some people abuse it (like myself), so it must be banned. Not only would that force me to become a law-breaking citizen, but it would also go against the basic principle that our nation was made on, that being freedom, and would essentially defeat the purpose of the war which we are currently fighting. If someone can say that they don't like something in this country and have it banned from everyone, then who's to stop everything from being banned? Some people don't drive cars because their emissions are bad for the ozone and our air. Imagine if they banned cars then.
I hate guns. I also hate liver. I think liver is bad for you because it gives you traumatic memories later in life of your mom forcing you to eat it, and tricking you into eating it by calling it "Steak with an L". Alcohol abuse has ruined my family and is proven to be one of the biggest killers in our nation, from drunk drivers to alcohol poison. We all know what happened when they tried to ban alcohol, though.
Any thoughts?
Oops. I just posted that comment under Richard's name. This is really Julia.